- Contributing Editor, Servicing Mortgage Portfolios – Strategies and Applications for Buying, Selling, and Managing Mortgage Loan Portfolios, Chicago, Illinois: Probus Publishing Co., 1991
- Contributing Writer, Researcher’s Digest Department, “National Civic Review.”
- Review of Technology Policy Analysis: Bridging the Technology Gap, by Barry Hyman. (April, 1981).
- Review of Town-Country Relations in Virginia, by Mary Jo Fields and Sandra H. Wiley. (January, 1981).
- Review of Small Towns, Big Grants: Federal Aid and Nonmetropolitan Local Governments in Illinois, by Alvin D. Sokolow. (April, 1980).
- Review of Illinois Municipalities: Where Have All The Voters Gone?, by Oliver Walter and Albert Karnig. (December, 1979).
- Review of Public Employer Turnover in State Government: Costs and Benefits, by C. Meyer, M. Beville and T. Magedanz. (May, 1979).
- Review of Taxpayers Associations: The “Opposition: in Government Finance”, by Alexander Walker. (December, 1978).